Monday, June 04, 2007

On My Mind

Last night, I dreamed I was pregnant. Part of me wishes I were...but, that's not the plan right now.


Anonymous said...

Whatcha waitin' for?

Fried Lemon Pie said...

Heeheehee...typical Pisces!

A Pisces needs a plan, otherwise they get muddled. Many hours and brain cells go into a Pisces Plan; it gives them comfort and security in this world.

I know...because I am raising my own little planner.

Anonymous said...

Cecilia - I must execute the plan. I want to get through my doctoral coursework first.

Luce - You know how long I've spent devising this plan. To go and mess it up now would, indeed, rock my little world! AND that's why I LOVE Munchy!!! :) Sadly, I totally understand almost everything he does.