Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Random St. Patrick's Day

AKA Happy 31st wedding anniversary to my parents (the math technically works since I was born a full 11 months and 6 days after the date that they've led me to believe is their anniversary)

AKA Happy "the husband doesn't have to wear his finger splint 24/7 anymore" Day

And one other random tidbit...Jayla is brilliant. Yes, we all know that. She takes after her mother. And, in all seriousness, I pay people a good portion of my take home pay each month to teach her things. So, most days I get a little surprise nugget of the random knowledge in my child's head that I nor my husband has taught her. I wasn't particularly impressed when I found out that she knows the difference between odd and even numbers earlier this week. But yesterday's tidbit actually impressed me, which is not an easy feat. She had a one-dollar bill that she'd fished out of her piggy bank and randomly asked me if that was George Washington on the bill. Do you know how many adults don't even know that!?!?

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