Friday, June 20, 2008

Back where I belong

This morning I woke up and drove the 100 miles to school where I proceeded to spend my entire day in class. It was glorious! It felt so good to be back on campus and back to focusing on my academics.

I have missed it tremendously over the last few weeks. I haven't been on campus in 2 weeks, which is the longest stretch of time since the Christmas break 6 months ago. I realized today how much I need the 4 hours of driving time on a regular basis to give me time to think and just be alone with those thoughts. That driving time is when I de-stress and organize my life. It's when I ponder things that don't matter as well as the major decisions that I am facing in my life. It's when I reminisce and stare blankly into space. Getting that back today has made a world of difference in my general mood.

Sitting in class today, I realized how much I love being in an academic environment. I spent all of last week working a contract gig that required me to deliver training sessions on Office 2007 from 8:30 to 3:30 Monday-Friday. It nearly killed me and I knew it wasn't exactly what I wanted to be doing with my time. But, the contrast of how I felt being back in that corporate environment compared to how I love being in the academic environment was magnified today. I have never been more certain that I am absolutely doing the right thing in my professional life right now.

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