Thursday, June 05, 2008

Moving on Up

Jayla and I overslept this morning. I hopped out of the bed right at 7:56 and explained to Jayla that we were running late for her first day in her new classroom. She, of course, didn't care but, I quickly got us dressed and we were out the door about the same time that we usually leave home anyway.

As I pulled into the parking lot at her school, I mentioned again that she was going to the new class and would get to meet her new teacher today. She made a pouty face and said that she didn't want to go. She asked me, "But, what about Mary (her current teacher)?" I told her that we could go talk to Ms. Mary first.

We walked into Ms. Mary's classroom and she met us at the door, took Jayla's backpack, and told me to take Jayla to her new classroom. Jayla played the big girl role and told Ms. Mary bye-bye. As we walked down the hall, she told me that she was a big girl and was ready to go to the new classroom. Meanwhile, I was getting a little choked up. It was weird because I've been thinking that it was time for her to move on for a while now. But, while I was actually taking her down the hall, it was yet another reminder that she is growing up so quickly.

We peeked in the window before we walked into the new classroom and she affirmed that she was ready. As I opened the door, she walked on in and sat on the carpet in the circle that the other children were sitting in. She looked like she had been there her entire life. She sat there intently, waiting to see what was next. I talked to the teacher a little and introduced Jayla to her. As I left, Jayla just smiled at me as if to say, "I'll be just fine, mama."

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need more tissue...

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