Sunday, August 03, 2008

Disney Comes to Chick-fil-a

Last week some friends of ours invited us to dinner with them as Cinderella was supposed to be appearing at our local Chick-fil-a. We are always up for some good fellowship with friends, so we went. I totally expected Jayla to not care about Cinderella. I didn't even bring my camera and I take my camera EVERYWHERE! As we were getting out of our car, I rolled my eyes at all the little girls dressed in their Cinderella gowns (including our friends) and the parents snapping pictures of the magical moment of meeting Cinderella.

I walked in, waded through the crowds, and got in line to order my family some chicken. The next thing I know, Jayla is screaming "Cinderella!" and jumping all up in her lap. We had not even told her that Cinderella was supposed to be there so she figured all of this out on her own while I was trying to figure out which side to order with her nuggets. But, as to not appear to be "the worst mother ever", I quickly borrowed my friend's camera and these are the pictures that I snapped:

Jayla LOVED meeting Cinderella. Cinderella was walking around the restaurant as we ate and every single time she passed us, Jayla was all smiles and waves and "Hey, Cinderella!". The irony of the whole situation was that our friends were really excited about their daughter getting to meet Cinderella and here's the picture that they got. Lauren was not a fan!

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