Wednesday, April 28, 2010


...and so my second baby is a year old now. I'm not sure how we got here. Or what I was doing during that year...I certainly wasn't blogging!

Tamyra is not quite walking yet. She prefers to just hold on to us and drag us around the room, and down the sidewalk, and up the stairs, and around Wal-mart, etc. She still gets regular comments from strangers about her hair and cheeks. Both of which are certainly her defining physical features. She has a hilarious sense of humor and hates medical professionals, which probably stems from her recent battles with RSV and pneumonia (on two separate occassions). By far, her favorite foods are strawberries, graham crackers, chicken tenders, and green peas. Despite what we think is a healthy appetite, she is still just 18 pounds (15th percentile) and 28 inches (30th percentile) long. It's in such contrast to Jayla's massive size that it's comical. She's very attached to her mama and her daddy will do in a pinch. All other adults, beware. She's developing a temper and can easily convince Jayla to back down when they're struggling over the same toy. She certainly knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it. She's finally started sleeping through the night in the last month. It involved mama staying in bed for three nights while she learned to put herself back to sleep. Clearly, she was ready for that, though, because she took to it like a champ. And that is Tamyra at one, in a nutshell...

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