Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Well, here I sit. In a hotel room. By myself. In Phoenix, Arizona. I have never been to Phoenix before. I also have never been away from Jayla for more than 11 hours at a time. Right now? It has officially been 32 hours since I saw her. She was a little clingy when I dropped her off yesterday morning. I don't know if it's because she could sense that it would be a full 3.5 days until she saw me again or if she just gets tired of screaming "No!" and trying to hit other little children all day long (Why must the new school have such violence going on in the classroom!?!? Another post. Another day.). Her daddy fed her chicken and pork n beans last night for dinner - two sources of protein with a little fiber in the mix - but, what about her Vitamins A & D and her calcium!?!? I would've made sure she had them. She talked to her grandparents on the webcam for an hour while I was taking a nap during a 3-hour flight. Not once on that 3-hour flight did I have to tell anyone to stop kicking the seat in front of them. But, I miss her. But, I slept until I felt like getting up this morning. She talked to me on the phone last night. We had a conversation. She usually just wants to push the buttons when the phone is in her face. My husband says she misses me. I miss her too.

Sorry, Luce and Cecilia - I guess the 911 post wasn't exactly worth 2.5 weeks of non-posting.

I should have brought my camera to Phoenix. I've seen several photo opportunities. But, I made a conscious decision not to bring it. I only ever take pictures of Jayla these days and since she isn't in Phoenix, I did not think I would need my camera. I was wrong and realized this as soon as I saw my rental car. It's something I can't explain with words and will therefore, be finding the disposable camera section in Wal-mart a little later today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess this will do. But I hope you do get the camera from Walmart-I need to see this car.