Monday, March 10, 2008

Playing the Daugher Role

Something very, very rare happened this weekend - I spent it with my nuclear family: my mom, my dad, and my sister. Sure, the four of us see each other alot, especially considering my parents live about 7.5 hours away but, usually it's on occasions where we're surrounding by additional people - extended family members, etc.

But, this weekend, my husband was in St. Louis with his family, helping his mother recover from surgery. And my family and I were here in Houston. Now, Jayla was actually here with us too. But, we decided that her inability to admit that she doesn't know something, along with her "I am never wrong about anything" attitude definitely qualifies her to be one of us.

My parents actually came to town because I needed them to babysit Jayla on Saturday while I was in class all day. But, Saturday night, after Jayla went to bed, the four of us had a really sweet time watching a movie together. We probably haven't done that since 1985 (I may not even be exaggerating).

Then yesterday, we spent the day at the rodeo. It really was like the old school family trips. And it's not that we don't take trips every year together, but, my husband is with us on our family trips now. And I have to play the wife role, which directly conflicts with the daughter role. This weekend, I got to play the daughter role again and it was great.

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