Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Telling the Parents

So, J and I were mentally prepared to tell our parents, grandparents, and sisters about the pregnancy on Monday night but, it didn't quite turn out like that...

Sunday night we had meetings at church - a Sunday School leadership dinner and then an actual meeting with our class leadership. We got home around 9:45pm and when we walked in the phone was ringing. I saw that it was a St. Louis number and knew that it wasn't for me. J was trying to turn off the alarm and so we missed the call all together. So, he checked the voicemail and it was his mom calling. She called to tell us that she had had "the dream". Apparently, she dreams about poop every time someone close to her is pregnant. In the message, she said that she was calling everyone that she thought it could be and yes, we made the list this time. Along with her message was also a message from my mom. So, we took that as a sign to just go ahead and tell our parents...after all, it was only a day early.

It was SO FUN hearing their reactions. Both of our moms screamed and our dads simply said, "Congratulations". My sister let out an emphatic "ewwwww!" (apparently at the thought of us having had sex in order for this to happen). As soon as she let that out, I could literally see her smiling through the phone. I even woke my grandparents up to tell them that they were going to be great-grandparents...which I think is VERY exciting! Telling a few people made it seem so much more real and exciting. I could hardly sleep on Sunday night!!

I've been feeling pretty good this week - probably eating a bit too much though. The nausea has been minimal but, there enough to remind me that my body is not in its normal state. I've had slight headaches. But, I think the hormones are reaking havoc on my attitude! I have just not been the most pleasant person over the past few days...primarily at work. I'm trying my best to recognize the hormones and be more cognizant of how I act during the day. Today was a really good day as far as my attitude went. I can feel a ball in my lower abdomen which I am assuming is my expanding uterus. According to various Internet sites, it is about the size of a plum this week. This is also the week in which my baby is supposed to double in size. I am hoping that we will be able to see the heartbeat at our appointment on Friday. I am still nervous when I don't quite "feel" pregnant so, I'm hoping the visit to the doctor will help to alleviate some of those fears.

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