Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Dreaded Return

Hello Unwelcome Visitor,

Although it’s been 26 months since we last met, I was still really not ready to see you again. And if you ask me, it really isn’t fair that you are back as I have only just weaned Jayla two weeks ago. Just two weeks. I thought surely you would not come around for another few months or so. I am not happy to see you. I do not need you since I am not planning to try to conceive any time soon. And what makes the entire situation even worse, you did not come alone. You have brought with you 4 pounds of water weight, killer hormone levels, fatigue, and cramps – none of which I particularly needed right now. I even purposely did not mention your absence as one of the reasons that I kept breastfeeding because I did not want to jinx myself by mentioning you at all. I had truly forgotten how your presence sucks.

Caught Completely Off-Guard,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yuck. I am only 13 months in but I am dreading it returning. I am so bitch and feel yuck. Last time I got my period back while I was nursing at only 3 months PPD. I am getting very close to that time again. I am hoping it doesnt return as soon.